BTL-08 Spiro Pro is a modern compact spirometer for performing pulmonary function tests and managing patient records. Minimal operational costs are ensured by use of reusable sensors and mouthpieces. Results can be viewed on a large colour display and printed on a thermal or office paper or exported to the PC afterwards.
BTPS correction: automatic;
Forced spirometry: FVC, Best FVC, FEV0.75, FEV1, Best FEV1, FEV3, FEV6, PEF, FEV0.75/FVC, FEV1/, FVC, FEV3/FVC, FEV6/FVC, FEV0.75/SVC, FEV1/SVC, FEV3/SVC, FEV6/SVC, PIF, FIVC, FIV1, MEF75, MEF50, MEF25, FEF75, FEF50, FEF25, MMEF, FET25, FET50, MIF75, MIF50, MIF25, PEFT, FIF50, FEF50/FIF50, FEF50/SVC, FEV0.75/ FEV6, FEV1/ FEV6, FIV1/FIVC, VEXT, Lung age. BTL CardioPoint Spiro: Aex, FEV075/VC, FEV1/VC, FEV3/VC, FEV6/VC, FEF25-75, FEF50/VC, VEXT, T0/PEF, T200/PEF, VEXT/FVC;
PRE/POST broncho-challenge test;
Relaxed spirometry: SVC, ERV, IRV, TV, IC, IVC;
Maximum voluntary ventilation: MVV, MVVf, MRf;
Predictive values: ECCS 1983, ECCS/ERS 1993, Zapletal 1977, Roca, Barcelona 1986, NHANES III 1999, Knudson 1983, Knudson 1976, ITS 1984, Crapo 1981, Lam 1982, Pereira 1996, Gore 1995, GLI 2012, Hou Shu 1990, Jia Ju-cai 1990, Sun Bin 1990, Liu Shi-Wan 1990, Liu Guo-Hua 1990, Zhu Xi 1990, Wu 1961, Ip 2006, Polgar 1979, Wang Yang 2013, Perez Padilla 2003, Platino 2006, PDPI 1992, Thai 2000;
Interpretation: ATS, BTS, Enright, GOLD;
Child Incentive;
Flow range (litres/s): 16 l/s (inspire/expire);
Accuracy (50 ml/s to 16 l/s): ± 5% or 50 ml (whichever is greater);
Volume ranges (litres): 0.025 to 8 litres;
Accuracy (0.025 to 8 l): ± 3% or 50 ml (whichever is greater);
Flow resistance: < 79 Pa / l/s;
Temperature sensor: + 10°C to + 40°C;
Temperature sensor accuracy: ± 2%;
Relative humidity sensor: 0 to 100% RH;
Humidity sensor accuracy: ± 4% for 25°C, 30%–80% RH;
ADC resolution: 15 bits;
Sampling frequency: 1000 Hz.